
EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) or Tapping has been around for many years to help treat emotional issues such as Fears, Phobias, Anxiety, PTSD, eating disorders and negative Beliefs. I have used this powerful technique on myself for over 10 years, and now am pleased to be able to offer this to you to help move through emotional issues, fears and phobias and cravings.

Through tapping on certain Acupuncture points on the face and body, and attaching words to these points, emotional release can be found bringing about balance and lifting fear, anxiety, mild depression and cravings. At the end of the session clients feel lighter, happier and more at ease within themselves.

This tool may be used by anyone anywhere to reset the mind and calm flight or fight response within the amygdala within the brain. A course of sessions may be needed to work on deeper traumatic issues.